Brady & JT, Teen Athletes of the Month September 2021

Salus • September 15, 2021

Meet Brady & JT. They both started in our CrossFit Kids class back in 2018, and have now advanced to our CrossFit Teens class and are absolutely killing it!

These boys have become such well-rounded athletes and have experienced the benefits beyond the box. Brady shares, “It has made me more mentally focused.” And when asked about what keeps him motivated to continue, JT said, “Staying healthy and getting to workout with friends.”

We couldn’t agree more! Working out with friends is definitely much more motivating!

Congratulations to these strong teens: Brady & JT.

Please meet the September 2021 Athletes of the Month: Brady & JT

1. When and why did you start at Salus?

Brady – I started at Salus in June of 2018. I wanted a new workout experience.

JT – I started at Salus in 2018. I wasn’t interested in typical sports so my mom thought I should try CrossFit to get exercise.

2. How has your performance changed since you started at Salus?

Brady – When I started CrossFit I could barely lift 25 pounds. Now I can lift 25 pounds and even heavier weights.

JT – I have gotten much better at doing all of the exercises.

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Brady – I could not do deadlifts when I started and now I can lift my body weight.

4. How have you changed since you started?

Brady – I have become a lot stronger and have more endurance.  And, it has made me more mentally focused.

JT – I have gotten stronger. It’s made me healthier by having exercise as a regular part of my week.

5. How do you describe Salus to your friends?

Brady – A place where you can put your strength to the test and you will be cheered on.

JT – It helps you to get better and stronger at certain exercises.

6. What keeps you motivated to continue?

Brady – The thing that keeps me motivated is I want to get stronger every day.

JT – Staying healthy and getting to workout with friends.

7. Favorite exercise or WOD?

Brady – Deadlifts

JT – Murphy

8. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Salus?

Brady – I would tell them to take it slow.

JT – It gets easier the more you do it.

9. What is your next goal to accomplish?

Brady – 15 minute AMRAP:  15 kettle bell swings; 10 deadlifts; 200 m row.

JT – Double unders

10. Favorite healthy dish….and favorite “splurge” meal?

Brady – Healthy dish is fruit salad and splurge meal is tacos!

JT – Meatballs and pizza

11. Favorite thing to do for fun?

Brady – Play my Xbox with my friends.

JT – Video games

12. If you could be a superhero/animal who/what would you be and why?

Brady – I would be Iron Man because he is not only strong but very smart.

JT – I would be a lion because they are strong.

13. Favorite motivational/Inspirational quote?

Brady – “Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.”

14. Interesting fact not many people know about you.

BradyI love playing tennis.

JT – I have a big family with 20 cousins and I collect retro video games.

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