Member Spotlight: Sensei Benny Shares Self Defense Tips

Salus • June 26, 2020

In this Member Spotlight, we interview Sensei Benny Gonzalez and talk with her about her fitness journey. As a 4th degree black belt, Benny has a wealth of knowledge and shares some important self defense tips for men, women and children to keep in mind.

Meet Sensei Benny Gonzalez

Benny started karate 34 years ago after she was mugged in an elevator and felt helpless by the ordeal. She is currently a Sensei, which is 4th degree black belt, studying Josan Lu Karate under Shuseki Shihan Sana in Garwood, NJ.

In addition to teaching karate whenever possible, she also teaches self defense regularly.

I think it is important for everyone, especially women and children, to be more assertive in certain situations. My motto is “it is better to know it and not need it, then need it and not know it.”

Benny has been a member at Salus for a few years now and also attends with her husband and son as well. We think she’s pretty amazing!

I would love to add that Salus is the perfect complement to my karate. Since I started at Salus, my upper body and kicks are stronger. I also have more energy which is something I thought at my age would not happen. I am thankful for the opportunity to give something back to this wonderful community and would like to thank my inspirational teachers.

Self Defense Tips

  1. Be aware! Look over your surroundings.
  2. Keep distance between you and others.
  3. If in danger, BE LOUD! An assailant wants a quiet victim.
  4. Survey your surroundings and have an escape plan.
  5. Take a self-defense class more than once. Move the moves a habit.
  6. BONUS: Avoid distractions such as looking at your phone while walking or listening to music with headset on both ears.
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