Member Spotlight: Chelsea Talks Music and Athletics

Salus • June 19, 2020

In this Salus member spotlight, we talk to Chelsea about what got her started at Salus, how her routine has changed while working out at home and how music and athletics go hand-in-hand.

Meet Chelsea

Time for a Change

In the past, Chelsea found herself feeling bored at different commercial gyms. She would go for a little bit, but  didn’t really know what to do, so it didn’t become a part of her routine. “The only thing I saw from the gym was just my payments every month.”

Earlier last September 2019, she decided to make a change for herself. “I felt like I was just I didn’t have a lot of energy to get through the day teaching and my after school obligations. I just felt lethargic.” So she decided to step outside of her comfort zone.

“I always thought [CrossFit] was a little bit intimidating but, I wanted to learn something new.”

When it comes to her lifestyle, Chelsea now makes working out more of a priority.  Weightlifting became a draw for her and she loved the feeling of learning something new every class.

She says that it’s the community that has allowed her to push herself to show up, even on days that are difficult. “My energy levels are definitely way more than they have been before. After a workout, I feel great!”

Music and Athletics

Chelsea has been playing the cello since she was nine years old and I find it interesting how she has made the connection between music and athletics. She shares that the discipline and consistency with just showing up to practice (even if it’s just a minimal skill), go hand-in-hand.

Her advice?

“It can be scary to start something new (at any age), but just have a positive mindset and take one day at a time.  Just as I tell my students:

Practice does not make perfect, it makes permanent.

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