“RESET” Friends & Family Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge

Salus • December 27, 2019

What is the 6-Week “RESET” Friends & Family Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge 2020?

RESET your habits this New Year and get your goals back on track with the whole family (or a group of friends)!

Where do you want to be in 2020?

Huge changes can be made in a small amount of time. So, go ahead…partner up with your family, workout buddies, long-distance friends, neighbor… and let’s do this!

Our mission is to help you scale things back. Get back to the basics of what it takes to “be healthy” together as a family.

So what does “healthy” look like?

While the specifics will look different for everyone, we will all follow the same theme (kids included):

  • Eat & drink the right amounts
  • Eat good, clean foods
  • Sleep enough
  • Move your body often
  • Recover
  • Make time to de-stress

Pretty simple, right?

But, too often, nutrition is the most overwhelming, confusing, and time-consuming thing on that list.

We understand. If you’re not sure what, how much or when to eat, not sure what’s considered healthy or how to cook a balanced meal, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not even start.

ENTER: The 6-Week “RESET” Friends & Family Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge 2020

During the entire challenge, you and your family will be committing to each other that you will finally achieve your goals this year and hold each other accountable along the way.

Using nutrition as our foundation, we will also focus on sleep, hydration, movement, mobility and stress management. Because, when you have all these elements working together, you’ll experience positive changes with your energy, mood, performance, recovery, body composition and more!

Huge changes can be made in a small amount of time.

“RESET” is so much more than a short-term fix.

The simplicity with these goals will set you on the right path for long-term success.

The team aspect will keep you motivated and accountable.

So, go ahead…team up with your family or a group of friends and RESET for the New Year!

Who Can Participate?

Anyone. Anywhere. Nationwide.

The 6-week RESET Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge is for anyone (beginner, intermediate or advanced individuals) looking to experience positive changes in their performance, recovery, energy levels, body fat percentages, and get motivated, too! This challenge is designed for kids and teens to participate with their parents.

You do not have to be a member at CrossFit Salus to join this challenge.

Join with your siblings.
Join with your children.
Join with your friends that you call family.
It’s up to you!

When? January 13-February 23

The 6-week nutrition and lifestyle challenge begins Monday, Jan. 13 and runs through Sunday, Feb. 23.

Weigh-ins begin Wednesday, Jan. 8 and end Sunday, Jan 12, 2020.


The cost of the 6-week challenge is $48 per person. (That’s only $8/week!)

  • Groups of 3, save 10% per person*. Use discount code: RESET10
  • Groups of 4, save 15% per person*. Use discount code: RESET15
  • Groups of 5 or more, save 20% per person*. Use discount code: RESET20

*Group captain must contact foundationnutrition@crossfitsalus.com with the list of names on your team to qualify for the the discount code.

*Add-On Individual Nutrition Coaching at the Same Time

What if you had someone to tell you exactly what to do? Someone to help you create the blueprint for your own healthy life?

If you want to take the challenge up a notch, work with Coach Angela or Coach Camilla for 6 weeks of individual nutrition coaching at the same time as the challenge.

Because, what’s right for “them” may not be right for YOU.

Individual coaching includes:

  • 2x (Pre & Post) Biometric Testing including weigh-in, circumference, body fat testing, pictures (value: $50).
  • One-on-One Consultations (value: >$260)
    • In-person, one-on-one consultations to review goals & address individualized questions/concerns.
    • Regular accountability and check up calls to review goals and overcome sticking points.
    • Frequent text or email check-ins for questions, guidance and unlimited support.
  • Personalized recommendations based on your goals (value: $99)
    • Resources for food and habit tracking and goal setting.
    • All the education and motivation you need to confidently achieve your goals.

Get the 6-week challenge PLUS individual coaching for only $148 (save over 50%)

This incredible value is available only though the challenge.

Interested in learning more? Let’s chat! foundationnutrition@crossfitsalus.com

Nutrition Challenge Details

Improve your health & wellness in 6 weeks by adding a new habit every week.

  1. NUTRITION QUALITY— Eat only whole (unprocessed), nutrient-dense foods from the outlined food list.
  2. NUTRITION QUANTITY—Follow the outlined portion guidelines for food and water.
  3. SLEEP— Sleep the defined amount of hours every night.
  4. MOVEMENT— Exercise the defined amount of time each day.
  5. STRESS MANAGEMENT— Implement stress-relieving techniques to take better care of your mind, body and spirit.
  6. SELF CARE— Stretch and/or roll for the defined amount every day. And learn how to RESET your mindset.


The team’s score will be the AVERAGE of the team participant’s total scores.

Are There Prizes?

You bet! In addition to a life changing experience…

  • First Place Team will receive:
    • First-pick on prizes listed below
    • PLUS 1 Month of Individual Foundation Nutrition Coaching  *valued at $175
  • Second Place Team will receive:
    • Choose from remaining prizes listed below
    • Plus, 2 CrossFit Salus Tandem (2-3 people) Coaching Sessions (or remote programming if outside Monmouth county). *valued at $140 each
  • Third Place Team will receive:
    • Choose from remaining prizes listed below
    • Plus, 1 CrossFit Salus Tandem Coaching Sessions (or remote programming if outside Monmouth county). *valued at $70 each
  • Choose from the following prizes!


  • *Coaching prizes are not eligible to be redeemed for cash.
  • *CrossFit Salus coaches who choose to participate in the challenge are not eligible for prizes.

Tiebreaker :

If there is a tie at the end of the challenge, we will refer to nutrition categories for our tiebreaker. Considering this is a nutrition challenge, we’ll first look at the team who had the most points from both nutrition categories to ensure that only one team is victorious!

Next Steps:

  1. Make the choice that you and your family’s health goals are worth some extra effort this year. Tell your family about it to help hold you accountable and motivate them to join you!
  2. Email foundationnutrition@crossfitsalus.com with your list of teammates to verify the group discount code.
  3. Download the Wodify Rise app ( Googlehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wodify.prod.WodifyRise or Apple : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wodify-rise/id1327914572 )


So if you’re ready to dedicate six short weeks to your health and your longevity, join us for the RESET Friends & Family Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge 2020! We’re so excited to share this program again and to help you create your best self!!


Follow us @foundation_nutrition_coaching  #foundationnutrition #reset2020)

Join the conversation on our Private Facebook Challenge Page

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