CrossFit Salus Kids 09.27.17

Salus • September 27, 2017

CrossFit Salus Kids 09.27.17

Skills :

  • Picking things up (aka: the deadlift)
  • Perfect Pushup
  • Rowing


AMRAP in ____

Time & Reps determined by Dice Roll

  • # Deadlifts at back wall
  • Run 50 feet
  • Row # Calories
  • Run back to wall
  • # Perfect Pushups

GAME : Knock Stuff Over

Establish two teams and place several tall rollers in a triangle 25 feet away for each team. Each team has to perform 3 squats, 2 burpees and 1 spin at the same time to earn the chance to roll a medicine ball and “knock stuff over.” When a player from any team knocks stuff over, they get a point! Trainers re-stack rollers between rounds.

CrossFit Salus Kids HomeworkCrossFit Salus Kids Homework

Warm up:

Run around the house!

Stretch 3 minutes



AMRAP in 2

3 perfect pushups
6 squats
9 single-unders
rest 2 minutes

September Challenge
Perfect Pushup: How many “perfect” pushups can you do without stopping?



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