Letter from Patty DeGennaro, Cosmo’s mother:
“It’s been 6 great years, 3 buildings, 1 parking lot, a pandemic and it’s all been amazing.
You folks have played a giant part in his life and have helped him to achieve his dream of being an athlete. Diagnosed with epilepsy and sensory processing disorder as a young child he was simply weaker, uncoordinated, and unable to compete with his peers.
This left him devastated and depressed.
He attended years of occupational therapy but eventually was too old to continue the program he was in. In his last therapy session the therapist asked him what he wanted to achieve and he wrote he wanted to be an athlete and play sports, he wanted to be as good as everyone else.
As parents you know your goal in life is to see your children happy and to fulfill their dreams. We had no idea what to do, he was too old for child occupational therapy, too young for adult therapy, and he still had such a long way to go.
I can remember attending the jump rope for heart at his grade school and watching with heartbreak as he cried because he couldn’t even do one jump.
Then we found CrossFit Salus.
We were very apprehensive about sending him because we were afraid this would be more of the same disappointment he faced his entire young life. Not being able to keep up, not being able to compete and seeing himself as not good enough.
After the first week of classes at CrossFit Teens , it was clear that this was a nurturing environment that would allow him to grow at his own pace. An atmosphere where he was understood and his goals were balanced to allow him to experience personal success.
I will never forget when I picked him up and he was so excited that he was able to do 2 jump ropes. Soon it was 5, then 10, then double unders.
He was changing physically and mentally, he was experiencing growth and seeing his own potential.
It wasn’t long before he decided to try out for the track team in middle school.
Before Salus this would have been impossible.
Sure it’s something he would have wanted to do but never have the confidence to even try. He was no longer the slowest kid or the last to be picked for the team and he did very well. Then it was flag football, high school track and shot put.
I will never forget one summer we attended a pool party with a bunch of families from school. Probably 15 kids, and physically he stood out. He was clearly in so much better shape than every other kid, and he was getting lots of positive attention from his peers. Parents were constantly asking us what he was doing and how he got in such good shape.
Everyone wanted to know what the magic was that transformed this skinny unconfident boy into someone who held his head high and looked so healthy and happy.
We always said thank god for Salus. I honestly don’t think there was ever a day he didn’t want to go work out and see his friends at Salus.
He didn’t need to be pushed because you folks taught him how to push himself.
As a sophomore Cosmo made the Varsity volleyball team and was never prouder than the day he got his letter and varsity jacket.
You all made that possible, not only the coaches but the adults who took him under their wing and encouraged him, gave him pointers, and treated him like family.
Now he is preparing for college, driving, and a job, so he will need to take a pause from Salus. I say a pause because his new goal is to work and save up money to pay for his own Salus classes.
You have had a giant positive impact on my son’s life. Salus is so much more than a place to work out or get in shape, it’s a place of personal journey and growth. Thank you all so much for what you have done for my son. We will never forget you and look forward to meeting again soon. Who knows, maybe my wife and I will try to capture some of that Salus magic for ourselves.”
Cosmo and Patty
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