Athlete of the Month: Vincent Landri

Salus • April 19, 2018

Vincent Landri, Athlete of the Month April 2018 Vincent Landri, Athlete of the Month April 2018

Since the day he started, almost a year ago, Vincent has been plowing through PR after PR. He has not only gotten stronger, but we’ve watched his technique improve along the way, too! He’s focused. He’s determined. He’s our next Athlete of the Month!
Give a chalky high five to Vince next time you see him at the box and read his story below.

When and why did you start CrossFit?

I joined Crossfit Salus in July of last year. A fellow member (Jeff) recommended it to me. I wanted to take my health and fitness to a higher level and he had success with it so I thought it would be a good fit for me.

How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

My strength and endurance has improved tremendously.

Last year in on ramp, I couldn’t do a single strict pull-up. Last week I did 20 strict pull ups after an Oly class and heavy deadlifts.

Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Mainly the Snatch, clean and jerk, double unders on the jump rope. I never did them before I started CrossFit.

How has your body physically changed since you started?

I gained 10 pounds of muscle the first three months while working out at Crossfit Salus.

I definitely feel leaner and more confident in the gym.

How has CrossFit changed you in other ways?

I find myself wanting to go to bed earlier (sometimes it doesn’t work that way) so I’m up on time for the 6 am classes. I think when you feel good about yourself physically it makes dealing with life and whatever is in front of you easier to handle.

How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

CrossFit is a different way of working out. It’s not like moving from machine to machine at the gym or going out for a run.

What keeps you motivated to continue?

I like to think of CrossFit as a continuous project.

You’re always looking to get better at something or to fine tune one of the exercises.

Favorite lift or WOD?

I like deadlifts. Until I started CrossFit I never thought I would be able to pull over 300 pounds again. Now I have a 425 max and I’m still going.

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

Don’t try to conquer each WOD so you can hit the RX button at the end of it. You’ll get there, listen to the coaches and trust the programming. I’ve been working out since my teens and I always did something whether it was running or weightlifting but nothing like CrossFit. This has really helped me to get in the best shape of my life.

What is your next goal to accomplish?

I’ve been working on handstand pushups and the bar muscle up. I’m happy to be going to Olympic Weightlifting classes again. There are certain things I need to improve on.

If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

3 rounds
800 meter run
21 deadlifts(bodyweight)
15 pullups
9 front squats (95#)

Favorite thing to do for fun?

I like to spend time with my family, I have 2 sons that are starting to get into sports and I would like to introduce them to CrossFit. I started yoga not long after CrossFit and that’s helped me to relax as well. I love to travel.

Favorite healthy dish….and favorite “cheat” meal?

Cajun Salmon with whipped sweet potatoes and roasted broccoli.
Cheat meal… Only one a week. Grilled Rib eye with blue cheese butter, loaded baked potatoes, broccoli rabe with extra garlic and BEER🙂

If you could be a superhero who would you be and why?

People sometimes call me Logan because of my beard. I guess it’s because they think I look like Wolverine🙂It’s funny because that’s my sons name.

Favorite Inspirational quote?

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been. ‘Believe’” George Elliot

The post Athlete of the Month: Vincent Landri appeared first on Salus.

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