Athlete of the Month: Scott 2.0

Salus • Oct 10, 2024

Back in 2017, we featured Scott as our Athlete of the Month, celebrating his positive energy, determination, and commitment to becoming the best version of himself. He was (and still is) an incredible athlete who inspires others, always cheers others on, and, oh yeah, frequently wins the Spirit of the Games award.  Scott is not only an outstanding athlete but also an amazing coach who lifts up everyone around him with his passion, positivity, and relentless drive. 

Since those early days, Scott has faced multiple surgeries, but his unwavering dedication to his health, his growth, and the Salus community has only grown stronger. His journey is one of resilience, and we’re proud to feature him once again—not just as an athlete, but as a coach, a leader, and a true inspiration to us all.

"Ever since I met Scott as a gym owner, he has always had a drive and passion that stood out. He shares his energy and encouragement with everyone, always aiming to lift you up, to lift me up! Scott has a special place in his heart for our box kids and has a special way of connecting with them as a coach and a friend. Even then he has the energy and the COURAGE to endure changes in his life that would stop the average person in their tracks from stepping foot back in the gym again. But no freakin' way is going to go so this far to stop now, it's about the journey! It's an understatement to say Scott is an inspiration to us and to me. He is an example of human potential and true heart." ~Gino, Head Coach, Co-Owner of Salus

"I’ve known Scott through all of his comebacks at Salus—he’s been with us through thick and thin, and he’s truly family. In fact, he’s known our kids since they were toddlers, and he’s always been a steady, positive presence in the gym...and our life. His resilience, determination, and care for our community inspire me - every single day. We’re so honored to have him as a part of the Salus family." ~Angela, Co-Owner of Salus

"I’ve always been impressed by Scott as an athlete—his relentless determination is unwavering. I’d bet my mortgage on him bouncing back faster than anyone from any setback. I want to thank Scott for always bringing such positive energy to class, no matter what challenges he might be facing." ~Coach Anthony 

"Scott is the embodiment of resiliency. Time and time again, Scott has used obstacles in his training as a chance to build back better. Sure, he can lift 1,000 pounds but I don’t think I can name anyone who has the mental strength he has. The best part is as one of our coaches, he wants nothing more than to share what he has learned about technique and mental toughness with the Salus community." ~Coach Erin

"Hard to put into words what Scott is to Salus. Scott should be more like Athlete of the year! Besides being a dedicated Coach , and inspiring athlete, he brings amazing energy to the gym and is a friend to everyone who walks thru the doors at Salus.   Old and young alike, Scott makes it a point to get to know everyone. He has a positive attitude, is always encouraging and lending support to whomever might need it. He is an integral part of the Salus Community. Before we know it he will be back to crushing workouts & dancing in between sets :) Can’t wait to WOD with you again!!" ~Coach Melissa

"Relentless. Determined. Perseverance. These are words that come to mind when defining Scott as an athlete. He has taken his surgeries and tackled them with grace and patience while strategically returning to his workouts. Just inspiring!" ~Coach Alicia

"Scott is Superman! I’ve never met anyone with such determination to continue bettering themselves in every aspect of life." ~Coach Steven

"Scott is an inspiration to all of us, especially to me, to not give in to the call of aging—he’s in it 100% to do everything possible to be the best version of himself.  What more can he be!" ~Coach Lisa

Here’s Scott’s updated interview, where he reflects on how his journey, his body, and his role in our community have evolved.

Scott 2.0

Scott Brownfeld (scott 2.0) Athlete & COACH of the Month October 2024

1. When and why did you start CrossFit?

I began CrossFitting about 12 years ago but it wasn’t until I came to Salus in Feb. 2015 that I’ve been consistent.

I never really liked lifting weights but I enjoyed high intensity interval training, especially when it was in a class setting where i was guided and motivated. I did boot camp workouts in the 90’s and the Insanity DVDs when they came out but they became boring and monotonous, and my Sunday rec football days were coming to an end so i was looking for “something” and after 1 class I was hooked.

Not to sound too cliche, but I aspire to be the best version of myself possible.

2. How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

I'm physically and mentally stronger. 

Also my endurance, power & strength all have increased tremendously however my approach today is safety and longevity while trying to achieve the intended stimulus of the WOD.

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Hell yea!! pull-ups, cleans, connecting toes to bar and a ton more!

4. How has your body physically changed since you started?

Although my weight is about the same i went down a size in pants and i feel I’ve lost some fat and gained some lean muscle mass…I HAVE BOOBS AND TRAPS AND A 2 PACK

5. How has CrossFit Changed you in Other Ways?

CrossFit nourishes my Mind, Body & Soul. The hour in the box is my meditation.

The sense of belonging and being part of the Salus community is so special in and of itself. It has definitely increased my mental grit and perseverance. 

For me CrossFit parallels life itself. The ups and downs, triumphs & struggles, acceptance, the desire and commitment to be better, I can go on and on but what i practice in the box carries over to my life.

Lastly I've had 9 surgeries in he past 12 years (8 since being at Salus) and the love and support from the community was so helpful in my healing process.

6. How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

Constantly varied FUNCTIONAL movements at high intensity.

If done properly it’s not just exercising….its training to become fit, faster, stronger, more powerful and healthier. General physical preparedness (GPP).

For me CrossFit is a way of life and every WOD is done with a purpose.

I try to explain how we try to move the needle from sickness and wellness to fitness and all the beautiful relationships i have because of Salus.

7. What keeps you motivated to continue?

I’m not afraid to die but i am afraid of getting old.

I want to be able to get down on the floor and play with my grandkids…I want to be able to lift them up in the air or do push ups with them on my back. I don’t ever want to be on any medications to correct my health. 

The following really resonated with me when i read it:

I train for the worst day in my life that i hope will never come so i’m physically and mentally prepared to handle it.”

Ever since i was born 8 weeks prematurely I've always been someone who defies the odds which may be part of my life’s purpose so doing what i do at my age keeps me motivated in out of the box.

I also like to set a good example for my kids, motivating and inspiring anyone I can. Once again trying to be the best version of myself.

I also cherish the relationships i have with people in the box for years to come.

8. Favorite lift or WOD?

My favorite Wod is Fight Gone Bad or that format

Favorite lift hmmmm toss up between the clean and back squat

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

Be patient and give the process at least 15 to 20 WODs to get acclimated with all the lingo, the movements , the class routine and to see some gains. All the workouts can be adjusted to your current level 

I would also suggest to leave their ego at the door and to practice technique 1st then consistency with that technique AND THEN the intensity.


10. What is your next goal to accomplish?

Rehabbing my back and getting back to my passions....CrossFit, Power Lifting and Horseback Riding

11. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

Fight Gone Bad format:

Power cleans

Sled push

Floor to shoulder with Atlas Stones

GHD sit ups

Bench press

12. Favorite thing to do for fun?

Other than CF?

Hang with my family and ride my horse.

13. Favorite healthy dish….and favorite splurge?

Gina's hamburgers with roasted veggies and mashed sweet potatoes!

My “treat” meal is a slice of focaccia pizza from Brooklyn and a scoop of peanut butter vanilla ice cream.

14. If you could be a superhero who would you be and why?

If there was 1 super hero that could eliminate hate, hunger, prejudice, wars and crime that’s who i would be. Superman, I suppose

15. Favorite motivational quote?

“Nana korobi ya oki” which translated means 'Fall down seven times, get up eight'.

“Decide, Commit, Succeed”

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