Strive for Progress Not Perfection

Salus • January 5, 2019

I challenge you to strive for progress not perfection.

Focus on making an improvement, growing, learning, understanding more about your body, but allow room for imperfection. Just a little wiggle room.

In other words, set the bar high, but be nice to YOU.

Salus Nutrition is about building a new awareness of how certain habits can directly impact your energy, mood, performance, sleep and more. I also want to help you improve your relationship with food and get you working towards the body and mind you’ve always wanted – all while connecting and engaging with the people and activities that make you most happy!

Sure, every day will be filled with obstacles and lots of learning about your own body, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Head to our private Facebook Page – and join the conversation!

Holistic Change

It’s about creating new holistic habits, so in order to make a real sustainable change we need to dig a little deeper than the food we put on our plate. The following questions will help guide you through this challenge. I encourage you to write the answers down in a journal, and consider talking about them with a friend to help you stay accountable. What you choose to do with your answers is up to you!

I realize some of the “mindfulness” parts of this program may make you feel a little uncomfortable. Remember that at the beginning of every great change is a bit of discomfort. I challenge you to test the boundaries of your comfort zone.

You will start to learn more about yourself than ever before which will directly contribute to your success.

Where are you now? What does 3 months from now look like?

Day 1 is all about defining your journey and setting an intention for yourself.

Ask yourself these 5 questions, and let’s get started. Find a quiet place (if you’re a parent, I suggest locking yourself in the bathroom – just kidding – or am I LOL), bring your pen, journal or if you prefer…voice to text. And come with an open mind.

  1. What is my “why”? Write down the key motivating factors for starting your journey.
  2. What are my main priorities coming out of this challenge? Where do I want to be?
  3. Does my current lifestyle reflect and support my main motivations, purpose, and priorities? If not, start this journey with a commitment to change that, now!
  4. What does the end of this challenge look like and feel like? Be as descriptive as possible and include things like the activities you will be doing, the outfits you will wear, the emotions you will feel, the energy levels you will have, the people that will be around you.
  5. What are 3 things I will adhere to on this journey that are not negotiable. For example:
    “I will sleep a minimum of 7 hours a day.” or  “I will eat a balanced-out portion breakfast every day.”
    Post this list somewhere that you can view it every day.

Progress Not Perfection

Before you begin this journey to a happier and healthier you I want you to keep this one thing in mind – strive for progress not perfection.

Remember that this is a journey of self-improvement and it does not define you. If you finish the day with less than perfect points, guess what? You’re human. If you made one improvement in your lifestyle today, that’s a WIN! Celebrate that and strive to make one more change tomorrow.

Remember, when you act from a place of “progress” (one improvement – one step at a time), you will be much more likely to succeed in the long run (after the challenge is over…that’s the point of this, right?).

Any questions? Shoot them my way. I’m always happy to help…seriously. Don’t hesitate! Email me at

Let’s get this party started!

The post Strive for Progress Not Perfection appeared first on Salus.

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