We wanted to take the opportunity to remind everyone about the “no rep” rule (widely known and respected in CrossFit).
NO REP! rule. Coaches will no longer allow athletes to count a rep that is not meeting the movement standards for a few reasons. So, next time you find yourself shorting a movement standard (as we all have) because you are tired or you want to get done faster, NO REP yourself and re-do it.
1. “Practice makes permanent” If you practice incorrect or incomplete range of motion in your work outs you will simply be teaching your body to habitually move incorrectly.
The time to make good & safe movement patterns permanent is all the time; even if it slows you down now, you will get better, faster, stronger and prevent the injury that will come from not taking this rule seriously. If you get a NO REP, you must redo the rep and or stop to get a clear understanding of what the movement standard is from the coach.
This rule also makes the leader board results fair for everyone. If someone’s RX movement standards are questionable we will undo the RX button in order to make be consistent with this rule.
2. Please respect the coach leading the class and leave the coaching to them. If an athlete has questions pull the coach into the conversation.
3. Check out the awesome new comment & like button Wodify! This has been widely anticipated, enjoy it, please no rude or inappropriate language or we have to remove the feature.
Integrity both personal, as well as of the data we’re generating matters a great deal to us, and we want it to matter to you too. People will die for points, especially when in direct competition with one another. Don’t let your desire to “win” get in the way of the high level of character I know you all have, or interfere with your primary goal here, improved fitness.
1680 State Route 35 Middletown, NJ 07748
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