Keto Diet- Should You Do It?

Salus • November 3, 2018

Keto Diet, Paleo, Weight Watchers, Raw foods… What works for them, may not work for you.

Nutrition. Diet. Way of life. Call it what you’d like. But, there’s a huge difference between an off-the-shelf meal plan and a plan individually personalized just for you.

keto diet They Do The Keto Diet? That’s Cool. You Do You.

Wondering if you should do the keto diet, too?

Spoiler alert: I’m sorry to say, I’m not going to give you a yes or no answer.

What is the Ketogenic – Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat, adequate-protein diet. Some studies have shown it can lower blood sugar and insulin levels. By shifting the body’s metabolism away from carbs and towards fat and ketones, this diet causes the body to release ketones into the bloodstream.

It’s beneficial for some people. But not all.

keto diet

Should I Do the Keto Diet?

We’ve all been there before… our co-worker tells us about a diet that is working wonders for them. Maybe they’ve even given us a great website to scour, book to read or Instagram account to follow…but is it right for us?

“I don’t eat carbs anymore, they’re bad for you.” You’ve probably heard someone say this before.⠀

Let’s draw a picture: Two twenty-something girls are ordering food at a restaurant. One orders a bunless burger, the other orders a sandwich. Waiter leaves and bunless girl tells sandwich girl that carbs are bad for you and she doesn’t consume them anymore (never mind the sugar-loaded ketchup she pours on). Sandwich girl get very uncomfortable. She starts justifying her bread choice with things like, “Well, I barely ever eat it, I know its bad for me, but this is a special occasion.” She’s embarrassed and eats her sandwich with a side of guilt. ⠀

Annoying, right?

Here’s where bunless girl has gone terribly wrong. All carbs, are not necessarily a bad choice for ALL people. Sure, a Keto diet might, in fact, be the best choice for bunless girl. For some people, a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet is extremely beneficial. But, for many people, carbs and grains are completely fine. I know this because its many of my clients. ⠀

You see, our human bodies are unique. We ALL react to foods very differently. My best advice for you is to find what works FOR YOU and do that.

You Do You.

Ignore the “bunless girls” of the world who are always on the latest trend or looking for a quick fix.

What works for them may not work for you.

And for those of you who have found the one “thing” that is working for you. That’s awesome. But, remember… just because its working for you, doesn’t mean its the right choice for someone else. Never force your choices on people or ever shame them for eating something that you don’t.

That’s not a great way to help anyone. ⠀

If you’re hearing messages like gluten is bad, dairy is bad, sugar is bad, I encourage you to bring a healthy does of “Is this really true?” to the conversation and remember that while that may be true for one person it is not necessarily true for others. Psst…I’m talking to you.

Customized Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

At Foundation Nutrition , we take into account your personal health needs which include your personal health history, family history, food diary, habits, activity and what your health goals are.

We don’t judge here.

Bunless, gluten, raw, macros… we dig into it all to find out what works FOR YOU.

Interested in learning more? Let’s chat! Schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation today.

The post Keto Diet- Should You Do It? appeared first on Salus.

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