For the second year, we will be holding our team-based “Intramural Open 2019 competition” to make things even more FUN and exciting during the CrossFit Games Open. What was once an intimidating event… is no more.
If you’re new to the sport, The CrossFit Open is an annual worldwide competition. Each workout is a secret kept by the Director of the CrossFit games- Dave Castro, which he releases on each Thursday evening during the Open. Athletes across the globe have until the following Monday to complete the workout, and submit their scores online.
Every year at CrossFit Salus, we participate “in-house” as a group. It’s a ton lot of fun. And best of all, with the scaled, masters and teens divisions, anyone can do it. Did you just join the box last month? Last week? Yup, we’re talking to you!
Last year, we almost got the whole box to participate – you won’t want to miss this! Take a peak at last year’s shout outs for a bit of inspiration.
Based on the success from last year, of course we had to do it again!! But, based on some feedback we also made a few changes, we hope you’ll enjoy.
The 2019 Intramural Open at CrossFit Salus will focus on inclusion and celebration… not just competition (though there’s a lot of that, too).
Our first step is to select three Team Captains. These three Captains are fun, supportive, positive and are huge parts of our Salus community. They work hard, have great attitudes and are ready to help us keep things interesting!
So, without further ado, your 2019 Intramural Open Team Captains & Team Names are:
We have met with the team captains. Each captain is able to select one co-captain (a safety, who cannot be traded). All coaches and athletes who are currently registered for the CrossFit Games Open were automatically put into the draft pool and selected onto their teams. They will be in contact with you ASAP so you know whose team you are on.
Now, your three Captains will have the freedom to recruit the remainder of the box…and guess what? They’ll be asking YOU!
Shirts are available to order online
now, use the code: SALUS:
Shirts are not mandatory, just part of the fun. Choose your team color and customize it with your team name on the back, your name or whatever your heart desires!
Please note, the tshirt order will have to be a fast turn-around, and will close on Wednesday the 13th. Athletes who register after this time may still participate on a team, but will not receive a team shirt.
The Intramural Open at CrossFit Salus is designed to encourage participation and, you guessed it, fun. Scoring reflects those goals:
+1 Point – Attendance
Every member of the team that completes an Open workout at CrossFit Salus each week (or submits their video and score to if traveling, for example) will earn one point for their team. Maximum one point per athlete per workout, multiple attempts/redos will not count for more points.
This is applied for all competitors. Captains and co-captains will tally their team points for attendance.
Weighted Points – Salus Leaderboard
Based on feedback from last year, we’ll be using the CrossFit Salus Wodify leaderboard, to apply weighted points for each division. This includes: men, women, each masters division and each teens division. This will combine RX and Scaled options. For example, if Steve does the workout RX’d and gets 1st place out of 5 RX men and 5 scaled men, his team will receive 10 points. If Brian does the workout scaled and gets 1st place out of 5 scaled men when there are also 5 other RX men in his division and, his team will get 5 points. Captains and co-captains will tally their team points for the leaderboard.
+2 Points – PR!
Celebrate your Personal Record with a ring on the bell then gain 2 points for your team! Captains and co-captains will tally their team points for PRs! Limit to 2 points per person per week. For example, if you rock your first double under, then you PR with 10 in a row, you only get points for one PR.
+3 Points – Hardest Worker
Each week the box will choose one athlete who demonstrates grit – working the hardest in that week’s Open workout. This athlete can be Rx or scaled will earn their team 3 extra points. The recipient of these points will be via voting process.
+3 Points – Spirit of the Open
Each week we will also identify one athlete who displays overflowing SPIRIT during that week’s workouts. You’ll notice this person always cheering others on, volunteering to judge others, helping people get prepared, doing something amazing they never thought possible, etc. This person can be Rx or scaled and will earn their team 3 extra points. The recipient of these points will be via voting process.
Chat with us at class or shoot us a message at
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