In-House Oly Meet

Salus • October 5, 2014

Registration for our First-Annual In-House Olympic  Lifting Meet is closed.

  • Those who have already signed up will need to contact Gino asap with your two weights for snatch and clean and jerk.
  • Everyone will also still need to reserve on Wodify as confirmation of your participation
  • Reservation is open, so log in to your wodify account now!

We encourage all members to come cheer on the athletes for the competition!

Good LUCK!


Friday, December 26, 9:30am-11:30

Submit to Participate:

Email your body weight and the two weights you will attempt for the snatch and two lift attempts for the clean and jerk to


Get focused on your Oly goals and join our first (FREE!) in-house Olympic Lifting meet.


CrossFit Salus

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