CrossFit Kids Fall 2018

Salus • September 8, 2018

Please be aware that Saturday, September 15, we will conduct class outside. Have your child come dressed, hydrated and ready to have some outside fitness fun!

Some more important reminders below:


  • Wednesdays 4:45-5:15pm
  • Saturdays at 10:15-10:45am (same time)

As usual, please reserve your child a day or two advance so I can plan for the appropriate number of kids (equipment needs & layout) in class.


New KIDS Salus tshirts, tanks & hoodies (pullover & zip)!
Order your tshirt and hoodie for fall now .

?GAME ON: Healthy Kids & Teens Challenge? GAME ON Healthy Kids & Teens Challenge


Join the 2-week healthy kids & teens challenge.
Open to any kids or teens (they don’t have to be a member), so, please forward to a friend.
The challenge starts in October.
Our goal is to help kids and teens understand the impact of their daily choices so they can have more energy, become more aware and achieve sustainable results.
Find out more about what the challenge will cover here.

(PARENTS) Join the “FALL BACK” Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge

21-Day “FALL BACK” Foundation Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge Parents, put your oxygen-mask on first… your 21-day challenge starts in less than 10 days. Using nutrition as our foundation, we’ll also focus on individualized hydration, exercise, mobility, sleep and motivation goals.

I’m really excited for the fall and I hope you are, too!
Please let me know if you have any questions, I’m always happy to chat.

Be sure to follow us @foundationnutritioncoach & @crossfitsaluskids to stay in the know.
Got a minute? We’d love some review love online. Please drop us a quick note on Google to help us spread the word about our program in the community.

The post CrossFit Kids Fall 2018 appeared first on Salus.

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