CrossFit Salus Athlete of the Month: Steve Gluckstein

Salus • February 4, 2014

We started CrossFit with Steven Gluckstein and all the other ETA teams in January 2013.  He quickly embraced the philosophy and has an amazing ability to learn new skills.  With his incredible athletic talent and hard work ethic he progressed fast! Steven has more than supported our program before we even opened, he has demonstrated respect, honesty, integrity and friendship. We are proud to name him Athlete of the month.

1. When and why did you start CrossFit?

I started CrossFit January 2013 when my Trampoline Coach, Tatiana asked Coach Gino to work with the athletes at Elite Trampoline Academy. I started moving weight at the end of February.

2. How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

My performance has changed completely; when I started CrossFit I was relying on pure strength and “red-lining” pretty much through every workout. I now know the limits of my body. I also have learned so much about technique and efficiency in the olympic lifts and various other exercises. I am still striving to find better technique and efficiency in all my movements.

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Before starting CrossFit the only thing I’ve ever done with a barbell was a back squat or dead lift. I can now do a snatch, clean & jerk and an Overhead Squat (which was nearly impossible before starting CrossFit)!

4. How has your body physically changed since you started CrossFit?

Since I’ve started CrossFit I’ve put on a little bit of mass, but more noticeably I’ve become leaner. At the Olympic Games I weighed 132, I now weigh 148 pounds.

5. How has CrossFit changed you in other ways? (Trampoline, sleep habits, stress management, school, mental focus, sex life, work productivity, etc.)

CrossFit has helped me become a better athlete, not only physically but mentally as well; it helps learning to deal with frustration and failure (which is mandatory before success!). It’s opened my eyes incredibly to nutrition, sleep habits, and physical therapy. CrossFit helps me handle stress, I always feel better after a workout (or I just don’t have any energy left to be stressed). Stamina, energy and even self-confidence levels are higher than ever before. Energy sustains throughout the day and night. I rarely sit down at work anymore and my sex life seems to, uh, have more, stamina.😀

6. How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

CrossFit is a sport that combines gymnastics, olympic weightlifting, and aerobic exercises (running, rowing, etc). However its not just working out, its competing against previous fitness results, while building a supporting friendship with fellow crossfitters working the same goals as you. It’s fun and exciting walking into the box everyday looking forward to making new progress and jumping into a new workout!

7. What keeps you motivated to continue?

Anyone that does CrossFit will tell you, it’s not hard to stay motivated. You see progress so fast that you become addicted to improving and learning new movements, weights and workouts. I want to become the strongest and most efficient that my body allows.

8. What is your favorite WOD or lift?

My favorite WOD is “King Kong”; it includes heavy lifting (clean and deadlift) and also gymnastics (muscle ups and handstand pushups). My favorite lift is the Clean & Jerk: it allows to push my strength but it’s fun because you also get to test your speed!

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

TECHNIQUE IS KEY. Many come into CrossFit with experience moving weight (from Globo-Gym with White Goodman), but not necessarily the proper way. Listening to your coach and your body is the most important thing. You can only have fun if you keep healthy. Start light and you’ll see faster growth.

10. What is your next goal to accomplish…or goat to kill?

I really really need to break down the snatch and master each movement so I can start moving the bar and my body efficiently. I always want to CRUSH the Open!


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