Another close call this week! Remember, we take your nominations into account for the “Spirit of the Games” and “Hardest Worker” awards. So, after reading through the nominations and tallying the scores for our CrossFit Open Intramural, the results for 18.4 are in ….
Here are her nominations: “She just worked so hard and did so well!” “She showed her little one how bad ass she is by crushing it twice!” “She works so hard. She even did 18.4 a 2nd time to comlete the bear crawls. She always gives it 1000%” “SHe worked her butt off and killed the deadlifts” “She always gives it 110% with a smile!”
Hardest Worker honorable mentions:
– Angela Weiner. She has come SO far in less than a year. In spite of feeling nervous about the open, she agreed to do it. After just nailing her first HSPU earlier last week, she went on to get TEN HSPU’s during 18.4. She has made the time to make her health a priority and it’s paid off tremendously.” “She rocked those HSPU”
– Erin Winters. – “Didnt let the HSPU standard keep her down. Accomplished her goal during her redo!” “I’m biased but I watched her not let the HSPU get the best of her. She attacked her problems at home and came back Sunday for a redo beating herself by another round.”
– Brian Zink. “little may know that Brian sells himself short in most things crossfit but has worked very hard the last several weeks to build up to a HSPU. It was amazing to see his hard work finally pay off with a pre-18.4 very first HSPU. So proud of his hard work!!!”
– Megan. “For being a Wonder Woman badass- nothing stopping her!”
– Camilla. Small but mighty! Beasted through those deadlifts!”
– Alicia Zink. “She’s been kicking a** All open, leading #1 in our master division, she gets to the box regardless of her schedule whether it be 6am, the 9:30, Evenings, or weekends…she gets it done whatever it takes. She does this all while shuffling a career both in her school and private practice, being there for others, raising 3 kids, and still always down to get together, celebrate/support whatever the case may be, and does it all with smile for the rest of us.” “She works with Steven on her gymnastics, filling in the gaps to keep making improvements. I can tell she has even bigger goals in mind and can’t wait to watch her crush them!”
Here are her nominations: – “She’s been so committed to coming and cheering for others not only during her class time, but other class times as well. When HSPU’s showed up in 18.4, she took on the challenge with a smile. In spite of knowing she might not get one, she repeated the workout, stayed focused on her goal and didn’t give up.” “She did 18.4 twice with 21 deadlifts in less than 30 seconds. Grinded for the remainder of the time. Cheers everyone on for every wod. Gread deadlift advice” “Will not quit!” “Did scale once and RX TWICE!! Who does that?!”
– Johnny Wise – “For weeks he and Kelly have been quietly getting WODs done on Sundays but have still brought a major spirit to all with their 2 Fit 2 Quit camo decorations, green flair and awesome green shorts. He even dropped in from work in his fatigues in between shifts to cheer Friday night people on. Killer spirit!!”
– Olga. “She practically lived there this week cheering on most classes.”
– Rose. “For being a great judge and cheering everyone on!”
– Scott. “They ran through a banner. Enough said.” “For putting everything together for WOD squad.”
– Johanna. “Although she cannot do the open this year, she has the strongest spirit of all of us. We love you Johanna!”
– CJ. “He is the best cheerleader to everyone.” “”He’s a beast but you would never know. So humble and always supporting and cheering others on. He’s always trying to get better and open to suggestions.”
– Melissa Regina. “Did wrong weight 1st time and came back strong to do it again…getting another hspu RX! YAH!”
– Sean Monga. “He is the best.” “He’s my bro” “He can lift 4x my weight” “Bubsie…aka Sean Monga”
– Lili B & Melissa Regina. “For redoing after a wrong weight”
– Sue Mulvaney. “PR DL. Killed WOD. Listened to her body.”
– Keli & Johnny Wise. “For bringing the green team stuff and lifting the team spirit.”
– The Entire WOD Squad. “Wow. Just WOW! Costumes, smoke machine, banner to run through! Talk about a show! SOOOO COOL!”
Flexy Beasts have taken the lead with a total of 97 points!
2 Fit 2 Quit sits at 95 points and The Wod Squad hangs tight at 94 points.
This is our LAST WEEK! Remember, this week we are honoring one of our fellow athletes, wife and mother of 2 young children, Johanna, who is currently fighting breast cancer.
For those that don’t know Johanna, she is a rock star in so many ways. She has an amazing voice and when she was able to CrossFit, you would often hear her singing her way through WODs.
She is a true warrior, and is currently doing everything in her power to kick cancers ass.
The “theme” of 18.5 for all teams will be:
Johanna is our lead singer, we are her band and back up dancers. Have fun with it, dress up!
Most of all push yourselves, when you think you can’t hammer out one more rep, do it for Johanna.
Also, here is a link to sign up for their Meal Train:
Saturday, March 31 at 5 pm
Celebrate the end of the CrossFit Open Intramural with friends, fun games and food- potluck style!
RSVP on Facebook!
The post CrossFit Open Intramural Results 18.4 appeared first on Salus.
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