CrossFit Games OPEN 19.3 Intramural

Salus • March 14, 2019

CrossFit Games OPEN 19.3 Intramural Results

The results for the CrossFit Games OPEN 19.3 Intramural are in!

Jacked in the BOX is in the lead this week!

Even three weeks into the Open, the energy is crazy high and PRs are being thrown around like candy at a parade! It’s a party in here and we LOVE every minute of it. Keep it up!

With that being said… here are all your shout outs from the past week:

?HARDEST WORKER 19.3 Award goes to Eva Ostrovsky!!

“Eva  PRs every week and shows true determination each workout!” ~Eric

-Eva- PR after PR after PR after PR
-Eva- So proud to have her on our team – love her energy and vibe, constantly pushing her comfort zone and surprising herself on the way! ~Angela S
-I vote for Eva for hardest worker. She did her first handstand push-up. And then 10 more!

Hardest Worker 19.3 honorable mentions:

  • Erin as hardest worker. Not only as an athlete but as captain of our team she is completely dedicated to every part of this competition. ~Yvonne
  • Scott. To come and redo that I’m the same day is inspirational.
  • I’d like to nominate Dan for hardest worker. I had the opportunity to be his judge for 19.3. He had a goal of reaching 16 HSPU and fell just a little shy, but his determination to try and get there was inspiring. Even though his tank was bouncing on empty he still squeezed out a few extra reps, mixed with no reps, to finish strong.
  • Bill- He showed true GRIT pushing through the lunges. He chose to RX knowing how challenging it would be.
  • Gina Brownfeld, so proud of this awesome lady for rx’ing her first open workout, and then coming back to do it again on Sunday.
  • Gina Brownfeld… she amazes me every day with her determination to be stronger and accomplished! She did amazing (twice) the 19.3!  I just love her!”
  • Camilla. Not a lot of people were there to see her re do 19.3 today. But she pushed and gave it her all!!!
  • Camilla Gluckstein, she always works hard and pushes herself, she is always an inspiration and encourages everyone around her. But I was particularly impressed by her integrity in 19.3 when she redid the wod after realizing that some of her handstand push-ups may have actually been no reps. It really says a lot about her character.
  • Veronica – redoing every WOD to better herself and support her team. She truly never gives up~Erin
  • Kate Swift – watching her redo 19.3 was inspiring. She knew she wasn’t allowed to do HSPU’s b/c she can’t go upside down but still wanted to push herself to better her tiebreak. Nothing gets in this strong mamma’s way!
  • Nina- for being brave and trying anything fearlessly!
  • Scott for not getting discouraged after his first attempt and coming back later that night to complete the WOD ~Dan
  • Scott for tackling overhead lunges when he could have easily and understandably scaled. Failing but trying again!
  • Gina!! 1st RX open workout! Redid it on Sunday and got 5 more reps, went way outside her comfort zone!
  • Megan for giving her soul to the strict HSPU. Screaming and all!
  • Gina for RXing her 1st open WOD!
  • Katie for hardest worker! Katie redid 19.3 and beat her previous score while being pregnant with twins!

?SPIRIT OF THE GAMES 19.3 Award goes to Angela Weiner

“My vote for spirit this week is Angela Weiner
She was so helpful to her team with all her decorations and showing up all day Fridays to cheer everyone on”

-Angela W. because she’s always putting in extra time to support her team with the coolest team spirit decorations. #boombox
-Angela W. she keeps coming in with more swag for her team and she’s always there cheering on all the athletes & helping judge.
-Angela W. because I suprised her Friday night by asking her to judge me and she didn’t even hesitate. So supportive and encouraging! ~Ang

Spirit of the Games 19.3 honorable mentions:

  • Erin. She’s been rocking being the captain and also supporting everyone on her team and others.
  • I’d like to nominate TQ for spirit of the games. He no-rep’d himself at least 3X on the lunges because he wanted to be fair and do the right thing. I couldn’t walk right for 2 days after 19.3 so that honesty about performance, I feel, captures a sincerity in participating in the games.
  • Liliana – Continuously spends her free time updating decorations. shows up to multiple classes throughout the weekend to show support, and chose to give 19.3 another shot on Sunday.
  • Katie Swift, she is pregnant (with twins!), super mom to two young cuties, and she did 19.3 twice to improve her score (which she did), knowing she couldn’t even attempt handstand push-ups because she is pregnant. She is a beast! Katie also shows up for the evening classes and Sundays to cheer everyone on.
  • CAL! She is constantly pushing me and believing in me, so considerate and caring! ?
  • Lilli!! She’s there even if she’s not working out to cheer people on, and always full of energy that radiates through the entire gym ?
  • Sue – always cheering. Has judged me whenever I needed her…encouraging me every step of the way. Plus, she was nervous about 19.3 and faced her fears head on. Anyone can do a WOD they’re good at but it takes real grit to tackle a WOD you’re intimidated by.
  • Erin for being a fantastic captain and continuously motivating every member of Heart and Swole. ~Dan
  • Erin – she is so supportive of her team and also everyone else!
  • Dan always has encouraging words and you can tell he genuinely believes in you when he says it.

CrossFit Games OPEN 19.3 Intramural TEENS & KIDS

Remember, Fridays at 4:30pm, the CrossFit Salus Teens will be attacking the OPEN. Saturday mornings, the CrossFit Salus Kids will also be participating.

Don’t let the fun stop in the adult classes. These kids are the future! If you’re around, come in and cheer them on (even if just for part of the class).

Reminders for the CrossFit Games OPEN:

  • If you missed the OPEN workout on Friday, you may may make it up on Sunday during basic training between 9:30-10:30am or on Monday during regular class.
    • As always, review the workout movement standards and expectations at
    • Please arrange for your own judge to meet you there. Note: coaches are not be able judge OPEN athletes during regular class times.
  • Remember, you must submit your score at before 8pm on Monday (this is IN ADDITION TO submitting your score on Wodify).
    • CrossFit Games does not accept late submissions.
    • Your score will display on the Games site after we verify your score card.
    • Your score for the Intramural (for your team) will be taken from Wodify.
    • Please note any tiebreakers in the notes section on Wodify so we can rank accordingly.
  • You have until MONDAY night  to submit your nomination for “Hardest worker” and “Spirit of the Games” award.
    • Email your nomination to
    • Include the nominee’s name and a sentence or two why you think they deserve the award.
    • If you know what team they’re on, please include that, too.
    • We’ll announce the winner and award the team points the following week.
  • Recover well, train smart, eat well, sleep plenty. Only two more weeks left of the CrossFit Games OPEN!

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