CrossFit Games OPEN 19.1

Salus • March 1, 2019

Wow, what a great start to the competition season! The CrossFit Games OPEN 19.1 was a huge success and the energy at the box was OFF THE CHARTS!

Congratulations to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone who came out to cheer on all the athletes.

CrossFit Games OPEN 19.1 Results

The results for the CrossFit Games OPEN 19.1 Intramural are in!

HEART & SWOLE is in the lead (so far)!

Choosing the awards below is so hard – everyone has so much spirit and literally wears their heart on their sleeve.

?HARDEST WORKER 19.1 Award goes to Kirstin!! CrossFit Games open 19.1 hardest worker

“Kirstin M!!! I was so impressed with Kirstin during 19.1. She is fairly new to CF and unfortunately was getting “no rep” on the wallballs a lot. However, she never faltered! She didn’t show any exasperation whatsoever. She just kept throwing the ball and trying her hardest to hit the target. Kirstin showed what the definition of tenacity really means!”

Hardest Worker 19.1 honorable mentions:

-Julie for giving her all despite being sick and showing up at 5:45am. ~Alicia
-Julie for Hardest Worker because she came back from being sick and pushed herself at 5:45 am! ~Sue
-TQ for making the rower on 19.1 look EASY!
-I nominate Brian Reily for his awesome form on wallballs in 19.1! ~M. Regina
-Gina because although endurance and stamina is not her strength, she kept at it. She really pushed to finish her best round of wall balls at the buzer!
-Stella Regina because she just listened and hustled and powered through.
-Lianne for killing her first open workout!

?SPIRIT OF THE GAMES 19.1 Award goes to Melissa Regina!  CrossFit Games open 19.1 spirit of the games

“Melissa Regina for giving up her WOD spot to judge!”

“…she cheers her heart out and stays for everyone!”

“…for going out of her way to support others and judge adults and teens.”

“…she came every class, all weekend and brought her positive attitude with her!”

“…Melissa always has a smile on her face, quietly (selflessly) helping others power through with her positive energy.”

Spirit of the Games 19.1 honorable mentions:

-Scott for best spirit. He has the biggest heart literally and figuratively. ~Alicia
-Scott for Spirit, I don’t think anyone loves the Open as much as Scott. He showed up for almost every class, including the teens, to judge, and cheer everyone on. His energy is infectious. And dressed up in a heart costume for his team ? ~Sue
-Lili for Spirit. Lili has put so much time and effort into all the decorations for the Jacked in the Box team! It was a busy week for her week 1 and she was still able to pull it off. – Eric
-Angela W. Best Deco Ideas “CMO” Catch me outside!
-Angela W for taking the initiative to decorate and be festive…and buy more props for the team!
-Erin for her awesome creative decorating!
-Erin because she showed up on Sunday to cheer!
-Katie for working out for THREE!
-Scott – he wore a HEART!
-Scott with his heart costume and team chants. Also love how he checked in on me even before getting to the box to offer words of encouragement. He is just as supportive and encouraging behind the scenes as you see him being at the box.

CrossFit Games OPEN TEENS & Kids

Fridays at 4:30pm, the CrossFit Salus Teens will be attacking the OPEN. Saturdays at 10:15, the CrossFit Salus Kids will also be participating.

Don’t let the fun stop in the adult classes. These kids are the future! If you’re around, come in and cheer them on (even if just for part of the class). It would mean a lot.

A few reminders for the CrossFit Games OPEN:

  • If you missed the OPEN workout on Friday, you may may make it up on Sunday during basic training between 9:30-10:30am or on Monday during regular class.
    • As always, review the workout movement standards and expectations at
    • Please arrange for your own judge to meet you there. Note: coaches are not be able judge OPEN athletes during regular class times.
  • Remember, you must submit your score at before 8pm on Monday (this is IN ADDITION TO submitting your score on Wodify).
    • CrossFit Games does not accept late submissions.
    • Your score will display on the Games site after we verify your score card.
    • The leaderboard typically doesn’t settle until Wednesday, so hold off from “leaderboarding” (refreshing the screen at a frantic pace on Tuesday morning)🙂
  • You have until MONDAYnight  to submit your nomination for “Hardest worker” and “Spirit of the Games” award.
    • Fill it out oldschool style with pen and paper at the box or email your nomination to
    • Include the nominee’s name and a sentence or two why you think they deserve the award.
    • If you know what team they’re on, please include that, too.
    • We’ll announce the winner and award the team points the following week
  • Recover well, train smart, eat well, sleep plenty. The CrossFit Games OPEN 19.2 begins now!


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