Brianna Wellauer, Athlete of the Month April 2024

Salus • April 12, 2024

"My performance has completely shifted in a positive direction"~Bri

Bri, Athlete of the Month

Marking a year of transformation, our conversation begins with Bri's journey at Salus since April 2023. Driven by a quest for a supportive fitness environment, she found in Salus a community that spurred remarkable personal and physical growth. Overcoming challenges and celebrating achievements, her story is a testament to resilience, community, and the pursuit of personal goals.

"Witnessing Bri's transformation has been incredibly inspiring. Her determination and community spirit perfectly reflect our gym's values. Despite challenges, she has consistently improved, thus positively impacting those around her." ~Coach Angela

"Bri's story is a vivid reminder of why we do what we do here at Salus—it's all about people like this, who remind us every day of the incredible power of the Salus community." ~Coach Gino

"I have coached Bri and have trained with her many times. The 1st thing that comes to mind is her focus is on technique not the weight or RX button. She is fighting her way back slowly but surely and makes no excuses. Bri has a killer squat and very strong on the bike and row erg and always shows up with a smile. Let’s not forget all the people she recruited from “the other place.” ~Coach Scott

"Bri is a joy to work with—she’s easy to coach, works really hard, and spends extra time working on skills and technique. She has had a tough recovery from surgery, but you wouldn’t know it with her strong commitment and her contributions to the community." ~Coach Lisa

Let's dive into Bri's inspiring journey of change and empowerment at Salus.

1. When and why did you start at Salus? 

I started at Salus in April 2023, celebrating my one year Salus-versary this month! I began Salus after my previous gym had decided to move in a different business and fitness direction that didn’t align with my personal goals. I searched around the Monmouth County area for a new gym to join and after a few trials of other gyms in the area, I chose Salus after a drop-in class and from talking to a few of the members there.   

2. How has your performance changed since you started at Salus? 

 My performance has completely shifted in a positive direction since I first started at Salus. Even after two surgeries (non-CrossFit related) within the past year, I’ve been able to come back from both of them and recently PR some of my lifts. Throughout recovery, I’ve been able to attend open gym and the CrossFit gym classes, which has allowed my healing to progress exponentially.

Even if I haven’t been able to get back to all of the exercises just yet (limited gymnastics), I still see progress in my strength movements and endurance during cardio. It used to be challenging just to run 400m without being out of breath and now I can run 1600m even after an intense class!

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Wall walks! Before starting CrossFit , I had never done any type of gymnastics and was pretty apprehensive about this movement. I remember thinking it was going to take years to even get my feet onto the wall and start the walk. Over several months, I was able to get my feet onto the wall and walk further towards the wall, making my body almost parallel to the wall. Now time to work on kicking up to the wall for the foundation of other movements!

There’s always a skill to work on!

4. How has your body physically changed since you started?

I have built on more muscle and endurance since starting CrossFit . It has also allowed me to heal quicker from the two surgeries (non-crossfit related) I had this past year. While I was recuperating, Salus was a place I could go to daily to work on my recovery and get my body moving even with certain limitations from my surgeon. It enabled me to return to work way faster than just recovering on the couch. 

5. How has Salus changed you in other ways?

 Salus has enabled me to have more natural energy throughout the day. I wake up around 4am for work and I don’t have to rely on any caffeine sources to get me through my day unlike my coworkers.

It also never hurts to get some good lifts in after a rough shift as it allows me to release energy and not keep it captive/pent up when I’m trying to sleep. In addition, falling asleep and staying asleep are not an issue if I’ve been consistently working out that week!

6. How do you describe Salus to your friends?

 Actually, I have managed to recruit nearly all of my friends to Salus over the past year! We frequently talk about how joining Salus was one of the best decisions we’ve made in the past year. Salus isn’t just a gym you take a fitness class in and go home. It’s a community of like-minded people fulfilling the common goal of improving yourself everyday through challenging and vigorous exercises alongside the most supportive people that become your family.

While I was recovering from surgery, a group of people from Salus had come to my house after a WOD to check in on me/ celebrate my birthday as a surprise. It meant the absolute world to me and a memory I will cherish forever!

7. What keeps you motivated to continue? What's your "why"?

 My motivation to continue comes from the challenge of CrossFit in general! There’s always a lift, skill, or exercise to work towards RX-ing from the scaled/modified version. All exercises or lifts in CrossFit are modifiable/scalable until you are able to complete the movement as prescribed (RX).

I also want to be able to get myself off the ground/floor when I am in my 70s-80s and not have to rely on an assistance device. No ‘life alert’ button in my future!

8. Favorite lift or WOD?

 My favorite WOD is coming up next month: the Murph! It was my very first Hero WOD I participated in about one month after I began at Salus. I was super intimidated to take on one of the most famous CrossFit workouts dedicated to Navy SEAL Lt. Murphy. With 600 total reps and 2 miles of overall running, it’s an intense workout, but the sheer camaraderie of everyone working out alongside you and the cause keeps the adrenaline going to the finish line.

Even though I completed the WOD with band assisted pull ups and elevated push ups, everyone cheered me along the way (and these were people I had only known for 1 month).

It truly showed that Salus isn’t just a gym that cares about how fit you are or who finishes first. It’s about who shows up and tries their best; there is no judgment on your fitness level.

I am excited and determined to beat my personal time for the Murph next month!

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Salus? 

 My advice is to just do it and sign up for a drop in class! One of my fears joining CrossFit was that I wouldn’t be initially fit enough to join and left behind in the workouts (or worse embarrassed that I couldn’t do a workout/movement and would just be awkwardly standing there), but it truly is for anyone and everyone. You will be able to complete any class even if you haven’t been to a gym in years!

Don’t let the image of the pro CrossFit athletes deter you from trying it; they all started out somewhere!

10. What is your next goal to accomplish?

Next goal is to tackle the kick up to the wall for an outward facing handstand hold or foundation for the handstand push up!

11. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

My own WOD would include burpees, cleans, pull ups, and squats. 

12. Favorite thing to do for fun?

 Traveling - especially if I’m able to scuba dive in an adventurous place!

Or if there’s any dangerous/thrill seeking activities, sign me up! Free jumping off melted glaciers in Switzerland was the thrill of a lifetime!

13. Favorite healthy dish....and favorite "splurge" meal?

 Favorite healthy dish/go-to meal is grilled chicken in a whole grain pita pocket with onions, lettuce, and a middle eastern Greek yogurt sauce.

Favorite splurge meal is a New Jersey classic: pizza (usually with a side Caesar salad)! 

14. If you could be a superhero/animal/superstar who/what would you be and why? 

 If I could be a superhero, I would be Superman.

1.) His ability to fly anywhere in the world without the help of the airline industry would mean I would no longer have to wait in the TSA lines (yes even pre-check is sometimes long) or not be able to bring something over 3.2 oz in my carry on bag.

2.) I could do a bunch of thrill seeking activities and never get hurt (or need another surgery) again! No covering myself in bubble wrap required!

15. Favorite Inspirational quote?

My favorite inspirational quote is “Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths” - Unknown


16. Interesting fact not many people know about you.

I have dual citizenship; I am a citizen of Switzerland as well as the USA!

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