Melissa Regina, Athlete of the Month June 2018: “I’m in the best shape of my life”

Salus • June 10, 2018

Melissa joined CrossFit Salus in September 2015 and has been really getting after it ever since. You will usually find her in the 6 am or 9:30 am CrossFit classes and Weightlifting classes giving it her all. It has been awesome to watch her progress and see a drastic change in her strength. She’s constantly working on her skills and her hard work is truly showing in performance. Now, she’s in the best shape of her life!

In the Best Shape of Her Life: Athlete of the Month: Melissa Regina We’re honored to have Melissa as a part of our CrossFit Salus community! MEET MELISSA REGINA….

Melissa Regina, Athlete of the Month June 2018

1. When and why did you start CrossFit?

My friend told me she thought I would like it! (Catherine Galli) I came to a Friends on Friday class and had so much fun!! Then I won the On-Ramp program at a local gift auction and thought, “well I’ll do the on-ramp and if I don’t like it I won’t join.”
Well I was hooked right away!

It was so fun to learn something new like the Olympic lifts and

the coaching and community drew me in.

2. How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

I started by doing all fitness WODs and now I can do mostly RX or at least closer to RX!

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

I couldn’t do one pull-up when I started.
I had also never done any sort of weightlifting before, so the lifts are something I’ve had a lot of fun learning!

4. How has your body physically changed since you started?

I’ve built muscle, I’m stronger and faster!

I’m in the best shape of my life after 4 kids and at 42 years young🙂

In the Best Shape of Her Life: Athlete of the Month: Melissa Regina 5. How has CrossFit changed you in other ways?

I sleep better, I get my stress out at the gym and I am more productive during the day especially when I make it to the 6am wod!

6. How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

It’s addicting and It’s the absolute best “exercise” I have ever done and I’ve been an athlete all my life!
I love the constantly varied programming and the community and people at Salus make me want to show up everyday!!
I also love to use Gino’s line of:

“It’s the fountain of youth!”

Athlete of the Month, Melissa in the Best Shape of Her Life 7. What’s your “why”?

My why is to “stay young” and be able to play and run with my children (and their children someday!)

8. Favorite lift or WOD?

My favorite are squats! All the squats! Overhead, back squat, front squat!

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

CrossFit is for EVERY BODY!
Anyone can do it you just scale accordingly…. and you will see results!!!

10. What is your next goal to accomplish?

I want to be able to string together multiple hspu’s!
And do them strict!
That was a huge accomplishment when I got my first kipping hspu! I never thought I’d be able to do that!

11. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

Any combo of running, squatting and pull-ups

12. Favorite thing to do for fun?

Be with family, go to the beach!

13. Favorite healthy dish….and favorite “cheat” meal?

Anything with avocado or cauliflower! & PIZZA!

14. If you could be a superhero/animal/superstar who/what would you be and why?

Wonder Woman of course so I could fly and never die!

In the Best Shape of Her Life: Athlete of the Month: Melissa Regina 15. Favorite inspirational quote?


Celebrating Our Athletes of the Month

Each month we feature a new “Athlete of the Month” at CrossFit Salus. This is a member who has stuck out to us one way or another because of their amazing progress, grit, gains and community engagement. These featured athletes are full of motivation. Read their stories and get inspired.

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