Athlete of the Month: Patrick Chanod

Salus • April 11, 2014

This month we are excited to feature one of our members who has been with us since we opened our doors just one year ago. Patrick Chanod has made some tremendous improvements in strength, mobility, performance, position and more over the past year…and that is because of his dedication and commitment to training and his hard work ethic toward his goals. We have witnessed him become a stronger athlete the past 12 months and are honored he is a part of the Salus box.

Check out his ‘interview’ below:


When and why did you start CrossFit?

I bought ten sessions at some other local boxes over the past few years. They were great places and positive experiences but it didn’t click for me. The timing wasn’t right or maybe the distance but I always knew CrossFit was for me. When I spotted Salus on Facebook in January of 2013 I knew this would be my place! I actually signed up Day 1 in April of 2013, I initially started because I was tired of old school, Chest, Tri’s. Back and Bi’s “Globo Gym” workouts. In between days I was running all around Middletown. I had hit a wall, and now I can’t ever go back!

How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

My capacity has changed dramatically. I can’t believe how much work you can actually do once you think you are “done”. I look at WOD’s so differently now. For me they start at a fast pace and I quickly get that feeling we all get. Oh no, “the monster” I am tired! Now I know that is when the real work begins, that is where all the gains are and I don’t slow down. I welcome the monster!

Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

There was a list of moves I wasn’t proficient in. Now I just love the feeling of banging out Muscle Up’s in the middle (or at the end) of a killer WOD. It is such a rush and feeling of accomplishment at the top the rings when you are gassed!

How has your body physically changed since you started CrossFit?

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be strong! The strongest I have ever been and I am at my lightest weight. I believe one of the best aspects of our training is the strength programming. To Rx a WOD you have to be strong, and to get strong you have to get comfortable with heavy weights. I was apprehensive and had a list of reasons why I couldn’t or shouldn’t and none of them were valid. “I have a bad back”, “I had major knee surgery, “I am not a kid anymore” I had to quiet those voices and work hard to lift heavy weight with proper form. It all started from there, the Olympic Lifting Class and following the strength cycle outlined to a tee, have me lifting weights I would have never dreamed of just a year ago. I came in with an athletic background but I am shocked at the weights I put up. More than in my HS and College football playing days 20 years ago! (Now to be honest and in the interest of full disclosure it is kind of cool taking my shirt off at the beach and showing off the results.)

How has CrossFit changed you in other ways?

I am going to use a phrase that has been around for a bit but I first heard from Coach Gino in class. CrossFit helps me be the best version of myself! When I first overheard that term it all clicked for me. I am not addicted to CrossFit. I am addicted to becoming the best version of myself. In all aspects of my life. I work towards that same challenge as husband, father, business owner, and member of the community. CrossFit helps me be the best version of myself. It is really that simple.

How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

I am training to become an Olympic Weightlifting, sprinter, gymnast.

What keeps you motivated to continue?

The moment I saw the news about the CrossFit Open (and Games) new age group 40-44 I said to myself there is the long term goal. I know I need more work but I am going to compete at a high level, regionals or better in the future in that age group. With great coaching and a lot of time and effort my scores actually hold their own in local competitions and in the 18-39 age group. Secretly, I am going to give it (Regionals 18-39) two major shots in 2015 and 2106 before I turn 40. What do I have to lose? I thrive on the competition. I am motivated by the competitive aspect of CrossFit, sometimes against myself and sometimes against others. I have always been competitive and enjoy filling that void. I could never get that a traditional gym.

Favorite WOD, skill, and/or lift? (What was your first- or most memorable- WOD ever?)

I love LONG brutal WOD’s, 30 – 40 Min Plus. Early on the Memorial Day Murph was one of my favorites. It is a 1 Mile run, 100 Pull-ups, 200 Pushups, and 300 Air Squats and finishing with a 1 Mile run with a 20 Pound Weighted Vest! It is an amazing WOD in honor of great man. I remember reading about it and just wondering how the heck I was going to finish. I gutted it out with several other members. It was a great morning and it really let me know what CrossFit was all about. I can’t wait for this year’s Murph.

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

Have fun! This should be the best hour of your day. Where else can you work out next to Olympic Athletes, your wife, your best clients, regional hopefuls, top notch local HS and College athletes, old friends, and local Mom’s and Dad’s just looking to get back in shape. The classes are so diverse. Enjoy the community and the people, have fun, work hard and don’t get frustrated. It is a process and if you put in the work you will get better every day.

What is your next goat to kill (goal to accomplish)?

Pistols and butterfly pullups!


Side Note:

I knew CrossFit was for me but one of the most amazing aspects of all this has been the impact on my family. They started as a cheering section at local competitions but boy did it grow from there! My wife Michelle is a CrossFit athlete now too and is quick to remind me of the moves she is more proficient in. I love watching her work hard to kill her goats. She is so determined to string together those double-unders! My daughters Ella (5) “The Burpee Queen” and Olivia (10) are avid CrossFit Kids on Saturday Mornings and little Lia (2) can be seen on Facebook or in the kid’s area working on her thrusters. KB swings, or Shoulder to Overhead with Joshy and Max. I am so glad they are having fun too and are a big part of all this.


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