Athlete of the Month: Jeff McGoey

Salus • July 24, 2016

Jeff McGoey has been putting in some crazy good work at the box – and his performance and physique are showing for it. Check out why we think our next Athlete of the Month is crushing it!

Jeff McGoey Athlete of the Month

1. When and why did you start CrossFit?

I have done a lot of traditional weightlifting my whole life. I felt strong but I couldn’t walk up the stairs without getting winded. I really needed to work on my metabolic conditioning but I didn’t want to sacrifice my strength.

CrossFit solved that equation.

2. How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

I’ve lost a lot of weight but haven’t lost my strength. I feel much healthier and nimbler.

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

When I started I could only do one or two handstand pushups…

I recently did a WOD where I did 90.

4. How has your body physically changed since you started CrossFit?

I weighed about 210 at the end of last summer. I’m down to 185 pounds and feeling great.

5. How has CrossFit changed you in other ways?

I always have a high after a workout.

No matter what is going on in my life, I always feel better after a WOD.

6. How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

CrossFit is a great way to work on strength and metabolic conditioning.

7. What keeps you motivated to continue? What’s your “why”?

I have a very demanding job and three little girls at home. Finding an hour for a CrossFit WOD is a gift to myself.

8. Favorite exercise?

Back Squats and Pull ups

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

Don’t be intimidated.

Everyone you see at CrossFit started the same way as you.

10. What is your next goal to accomplish…or goat to kill?

Ring muscle ups

11. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

5 Rounds of: 10 Back Squats (225lbs), 20 Hand Stand Push Ups, 20 Chest to bar Pull Ups, 20 ring dips, 5 cleans (185lbs)

12. Favorite thing to do recreationally?

Go to the beach!

13. Favorite healthy dish….and favorite “cheat” meal?

Healthy dish: Greek Salad with Chicken; Cheat meal: Shake Shack burger and fries

14. If you could be an Olympian which sport would you choose and why?

Decathlon…Because I love the variety

The post Athlete of the Month: Jeff McGoey appeared first on Salus.

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