Meet Alexis, who joined CrossFit Salus in March 2023 to regain her strength after two back-to-back pregnancies. In just a year, she’s become stronger than ever, mastering new exercises and transforming her body. Alexis’ journey is a testament to resilience and the supportive Salus community, as she continues to push her limits and inspire others. Here’s more about her progress and what keeps her motivated.
"As a coach, having Alexis in class is always a pleasure. Her focus is on her technique and she has been improving in all areas since she began CrossFit. Whenever challenged Alexis will usually say “ok I’ll try” and most of the time she succeeds. Oh and btw don’t ever challenge her on the bike or rower." ~Coach Scott
"Alexis is a lot of fun to coach. From the first minute of class, she is intently listening to every cue, soaking up as much as she can to improve as an athlete and it shows. One example of this growth- She has gone from trying to hang from a pull up bar to slowly subtracting bands to assist her pull ups. If you want to witness what CrossFit progress and looks like, simply observe who she has become over the past year. Oh yes… and I’m SO jealous of her squat depth!!" ~Coach Erin
"Alexis truly embodies the heart and soul of CrossFit Salus—resilience, dedication, and growth. Although I haven’t had the chance to coach her directly, I’ve had the privilege of taking class alongside her and witnessing her incredible progress. What inspires me most is how she’s setting such a powerful example for her daughters, showing them the importance of strength, perseverance, and self-care. Alexis, your journey is not only inspiring your family, but all of us at Salus. Keep it up!" ~Coach Angela, Owner of CrossFit Salus
"I find Alexis has a high standard for herself and a high level work ethic. She prefers quality over quantity, so she will pay attention and ask if she's not 100% sure. I can see improvement in the barbell movements and how she's applied the coaching cues. As a coach, it's very rewarding, thank you for that Alexis!" ~Coach Gino, Owner of CrossFit Salus
I started at Salus in March 2023. I had a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old, and two back-to-back pregnancies had really taken a toll on my body. I was ready to get back into weight training and regain the strength that I had lost.
I have been able to progressively lift more weight, so I know I’m stronger than when I first started. I’m actually the strongest I have ever been since joining Salus.
Absolutely. When I first started at Salus, I wasn’t even able to hang from the bar or rings (a fact that Coach Erin and I reflect on often🤣), and now I’m able to do (scaled) versions of those gymnastics exercises.
I had also never done any of the Olympic lifts, so it’s pretty cool to now be able to do a snatch, overhead squat, clean & jerk, etc.
My body composition has changed- I’ve gained muscle.
I also have less back pain, which I attribute to increasing overall strength.
After my children were born, I had disc deterioration and bulging discs, and was told that my days of weight training and high intensity workouts were over if I wanted to become pain free. I joined CrossFit hoping that if I scaled the workouts enough, I would be able to still weight train and complete high intensity workouts at some level. As the months passed, I found that the stronger I became, the better my back felt.
Salus has made it possible for me to engage in strength training and exercise that I didn’t think I would ever be able to do again, and I’m so grateful. I also have more energy, sleep better, and know that if I can finish some of those really tough WODs, that I can handle anything else the day throws at me 😜
Salus has the best culture of any gym I’ve been a member of- the overall environment is encouraging, welcoming, and positive.
The coaches are so supportive and knowledgeable, and always ensure the workout meets the athlete’s ability level while also providing enough of a challenge to continue making progress.
Continuing to maintain and build strength keeps me motivated, because I know how important it is for woman as we age. I’m also acutely aware that my daughters are witnessing my approach to exercise and fitness, so it’s important that they see this is something I do not only because it’s beneficial for my body, but also because it makes me feel great overall.
Favorite lift would probably be squat, deadlift, or clean.
I really liked the CrossFit Total and the Other CrossFit Total WODs.
Everyone was a newbie at one point! The great thing about CrossFit (and Salus) is that it’s for everyone at any level, and you’ll definitely get a great workout as long as you’re willing to show up and work hard.
I’m working toward an unassisted pull-up, and I would also like to kick up into a handstand.
Favorite WOD would be working up to 1 heavy single rep, or some combination of a barbell lift with wall balls, sandbag, rowing, or box jumps.
Being with my family and friends while doing something outside (beach, hiking, playing sports/games).
Probably salmon or another fish with lots of vegetables, and pizza for sure.
I don’t know any by name, but any superhero that can teleport so I can travel and see different parts of the world, and also easily get to be with family/friends that aren’t local.
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” -Albert Camus
I lived in Hawai’i for 4 years; two years earning my masters degree and two years working post graduation.
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