“I sleep much better at night, I eat better, overall I feel better about myself.” Matt Eaton, Athlete of the Month

Salus • April 13, 2022

All the Salus Coaches agreed that Matt Eaton was a great choice for the April Athlete of the Month! We couldn’t agree more with Coach Melissa, “He gives 110% at every WOD no matter the time of day!”

He makes it happen. Always showing a commitment to his health and rotating between the morning classes to be sure he gets his time in at Salus. As Coach Erin puts it, “He truly makes that time count by challenging himself with each workout.”

Not only that, but “Matt is very respectful of the WOD stimulus and works really hard in every workout,” says Coach Gino.”

“Matt is great, very coachable and listen to correction. His engine is crazy!!! Sometimes I blink and he’s done,” Coach Camilla.

Congratulations Matt! Meet our April 2022 Athlete of the Month!

1. When and why did you start at Salus?

I started in September of 2021.  I moved to Middletown from Fanwood and needed a new gym. 

2. How has your performance changed since you started at Salus?

I have gotten much better at a lot of things, most notably handstand walks and overhead squats. 

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Handstand walks. 

4. How have you changed since you started CrossFit?

CrossFit overall has changed my life drastically. Since starting everything above has gotten much better.

I sleep much better at night, I eat better, overall I feel better about myself. 

5. How do you describe Salus to your friends?

Since I moved in January I left a great gym with an awesome community. I dropped into a bunch of gyms around Jersey but couldn’t really find one that lived up to my previous gym until Salus.

Overall the coaches are amazing, the facility has everything you could want, the community is incredible, and the programming fantastic. 

6. What keeps you motivated to continue? What’s your “why”?

I enjoy pushing myself and feeling good about what my body and mind can accomplish in the gym.

What I can accomplish in the gym sets the tone for the rest of my day.

I also try and be a good role model for my kids and hopefully they find their way into a healthy/active lifestyle sooner than I have. 

7. Favorite exercise?

I have a lot that I like. I would probably have to say bar muscle ups, rope climbs, and box jump overs are my favorite movements. 

8. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Salus?

Listen to your body and your coaches, try to have fun and really celebrate all the PR’s even if they are small ones.

The accomplishments may not seem like a lot in the beginning (they are) but when you look back a few months or even a year or two you will notice how far, how quickly you have came. 

9. What is your next goal to accomplish?

Get better and more consistent on my hands.

Would love to get a 25 foot unbroken handstand walk. 

10. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

5 rounds for time

  • 15 box jump overs
  • 3 rope climbs

11. Favorite thing to do for fun?


12. Favorite healthy dish….and favorite “splurge” meal?

Healthy – Salmon and broccoli

Splurge – pizza

13. If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?

This is a tough one to answer. I normally don’t think like this. I am happy with being myself. 

14. Favorite inspirational quote?

I have a few but this one fits with my precious answer. 

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

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