CrossFit Games OPEN 19.4 Intramural

Salus • March 22, 2019

CrossFit Games OPEN 19.4 Intramural Results

The results for the CrossFit Games OPEN 19.4 Intramural are posted! Heart & Swole is back in the lead this week!

This is it! The last week of the Open is upon us!

Remember to SAVE THE DATE for our AFTER PARTY on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. Family-friendly BRUNCH potluck at the box! RSVP here .

?HARDEST WORKER 19.4 Award goes to Veronica!!

My hardest worker vote goes to Veronica. She has pushed herself to the dark place for every WOD, redoing each one to improve. She spent her Sunday taking the time to refine her muscle up skills in order to improve for her redo. She truly never gives up. ~Erin

-Veronica for hardest worker. I know she’s been doubting herself recently with the muscle ups and it was so awesome to see her finally believe in herself and not only get one, she got eight of them. I see her crushing workouts every single day (because she usually beats my ass in them) but this one was a little more special! – Dan
-Veronica for her BMU. She struggled with them throughout the year but during The Open she overcame the block and got them! Every week, every day she gives it her all. She’s such an inspiration. ~Katie
-Veronica gets my vote as the hardest worker. She crushed those bmus.
-Hardest Worker – Veronica because she is my idol!!!
-Hardest Worker: Veronica always works hard and she definitely earned all those muscle ups!!
-I wanted to nominated Veronica for both the hardest worker and most spirited awards! She killed it getting 8 muscle ups and even attempted a redo to get more. It was incredible to watch! Also, for someone pretty reserved she was and amazing cheerleader the entire time for everyone despite team color. No to mention, she ripped her hand on Sunday. Not from her muscle ups but from ringing the cow bell too hard. If that is spirited dedication I don’t know what is.

Hardest Worker 19.4 honorable mentions:

  • Gonna also nominate Megan for hardest worker for not only a stellar performance on part 1 but all the BMU attempts during and after the workout…she has also been managing the Sunday class beautifully with all the redos and commotion going on ~Scott
  • I have to vote for my mom, Gina, for pushing herself out of her comfort zone every week but this week in particular. She PRd her snatch and jumped over the bar! She pushed through every rep, did her best, and kicked booty!
  • I nominate Cassie for hardest worker for her determination and never quit attitude.
    Jessica Roberts – she busts her butt every workout!!! A lot of these movements are difficult for her but she doesn’t complain,is willing to learn and just shows up ~Scott
  • I would like to vote for Jessica For hardest worker, she works so hard and doesn’t shy away from a challenge and stays humble at the same time and she’s just lovely!
  • I nominate each of the team captains for Hardest Workers this week (and every week). Not everyone realizes all the work that goes on behind the scenes. From simply deciding on team details before the Open even began (I mean, who knew how hard it would be to figure out team colors — every shirt style has to match LOL) to constantly communicating with their teammates (not everyone is on Facebook) to tallying up team points every week (excel madness), all of this couldn’t have been done without you. Thank you for making it happen Eric, Erin and Lianne! ~Angela S.
  • Eva, another pr in her book ?
  • I need to give it to Jack! He tried so hard (I was sitting in front of him) and he gave his whole to the WOD! So awesome! ~Angela W.
  • Hardest worker goes to Angela for showing amazing restraint and discipline NOT going all out in the WOD,keeping her ego in check and remaining true to herself ~Scott
  • Shawn Winters for being committed to the 5:45/6am class during all the workouts. Can’t imagine working out that early, especially doing these grueling open WODs and crushing them without a cheering/motivation squad.

?SPIRIT OF THE GAMES 19.4 Award goes to Dan (that’s a given!)

Dan Unkel. He cheers for everyone!! He always is supportive of other athletes, judges when he can, and does it all with a smile. When I was concerned I couldn’t get to class on time Friday, his response was “don’t worry, I got this”. With his Stars and Stripes outfit, I’d say he definitely riled up the team. -Erin

-Most spirit- Dan Unkel. No need to explain why ????
-Dan- the USA outfit ?‍♀had too haha
-Dan for spirit cause, well, that outfit.
-The American Flag outfit… there are not many guys who can pull off an outfit like that… one is in Spain and one is Dan Unkel
-I also have to nominate Dan…no explanation needed ~Scott
-Spirit: Dan Unkel, he shows up to so many different classes judge and cheer and he is always encouraging everyone around him. Dan is always pushing himself and he is willing to try anything…like wearing the flag from head to toe!
-Dan Unkel for his American/Patriotic outfit from head to toe! Also for being a great cheerleader and believing in his teammates. Always has motivating things to say and comes early to cheer everyone on!
-For spirit, Dan! For his outfit this week alone! He just really pulls for everyone!

Spirit of the Games 19.4 honorable mentions:

  • Katie Swift… she was one of the 5:45 am supporters, did her 19.4 and came back in the afternoon with her babies (all 4!) to cheer the crew! So supportive! ~Angela W.
  • Katie Swift, shows up at 5:45 AM to cheer us and judges me….and she’s pregnant with twins. ~Sal
  • For spirit award it’s got to go to Veronica. I feel she gets overlooked by us loudmouths lol but I hear her quietly motivating,complimenting and helping everyone not just her teammates. She’s also dealing with her elbow issue but you would never know because she just shows up and does what she does…quietly!!!
  • I vote for Lisa for showing up for her team to complete 10 snatches after surgery!
  • Angela S. for having a goal outside the open but still doing the WOD for the team ?
  • Gina for spirit this week….she shows up to every class including the teens to support and cheer on all the athletes.she even showed up to the 5:45 this past week but her spirit also shows up in the way she approaches the workouts…for the 2nd week in a row she challenged herself and RX’d the workout even though she knew the burpees (she never does regular burpees nor does she jump over) would get her ~Scott

CrossFit Games OPEN 19.5 Intramural TEENS & KIDS

Remember, this Friday at 4:30pm, the CrossFit Salus Teens will be attacking the last OPEN workout. Catch the kids on Saturday morning around 10:30, too!

Swing by and cheer them on!

Reminders for the CrossFit Games OPEN:

  • If you missed the OPEN workout on Friday, you may may make it up on Sunday during basic training between 9:30-10:30am or on Monday during regular class.
    • As always, review the workout movement standards and expectations at
    • Please arrange for your own judge to meet you there. Note: coaches are not be able judge OPEN athletes during regular class times.
  • Remember, you must submit your score at before 8pm on Monday (this is IN ADDITION TO submitting your score on Wodify).
    • CrossFit Games does not accept late submissions.
    • Your score will display on the Games site after we verify your score card.
    • Your score for the Intramural (for your team) will be taken from Wodify.
    • Please note any tiebreakers in the notes section on Wodify so we can rank accordingly.
  • You have until MONDAY night  to submit your nomination for “Hardest worker” and “Spirit of the Games” award.
    • Email your nomination to
    • Include the nominee’s name and a sentence or two why you think they deserve the award.
    • If you know what team they’re on, please include that, too.
    • We’ll announce the winner and award the team points the following week.
  • Recover well, train smart, eat well, sleep plenty. It’s the last week of the CrossFit Games OPEN! Let’s do this!

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