Athlete of the Month: Brian Lligui

Salus • May 13, 2015

This month we’re excited to feature Brian as our Athlete of the Month! Brian started CrossFit less than a year ago and has embraced it wholeheartedly. You’ll find him at the box every 5pm class plus Oly and Basic Training as he’s “working on becoming the best version” of himself daily.

Give Brian a chalky high five next time you see him at the box!

1. When and why did you start CrossFit?

I started CrossFit in December of 2014

2. How has your performance changed since you started CrossFit?

I feel my performance has improved and I feel more comfortable doing the movements.

3. Are there exercises you can do now that you couldn’t do before?

Yes! Muscle Ups, Snatch, HSPU (hand stand pushups) and Clean & Jerk

4. How has your body physically changed since you started CrossFit?

My body is always sore now (LOL). Really though, I have more mobility in my body in general.

5. How has CrossFit changed you in other ways?

It’s always helpful after a stressful day at work or school.

I love challenging myself and CrossFit does that every day

6. How do you describe CrossFit to your friends?

You either love it or hate it.

7. What keeps you motivated to continue?

Seeing high quality performances and wanting to be at that level.

8. Favorite WOD or lift?

Squats, Snatch, Overhead Squats

9. What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit Salus?

Don’t be afraid to fail and always give it all you got.

10. What is your next goal to accomplish…or goat to kill?

10 muscle ups unbroken, butterfly PU, hand stand walk, and be the best version of me that I can be

11. If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like?

21-15-9: squat at 185, box jumps, wall ball….with a 200m run in between each set

12. Favorite Paleo dish….and favorite “cheat” meal.

Paleo dish: salmon with any veggie.
Cheat Meal: Pizza!!!

The post Athlete of the Month: Brian Lligui appeared first on Salus.

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